Thursday, 25 November 2010

Sarah Hehir: Improving Road Safety in Rochester and Borstal

I believe a local councillor should visit our community groups and talk to local people. I may not have reached you all yet but the people I talk to at schools, toddler groups, WI and in the local shops, all express a common concern; road safety. Many have mentioned the high speed that cars drive down Priestfields, Borstal Road and Borstal Street. There are insufficient traffic calming measures coming into Borstal Village and no pedestrian crossing. The speed bumps stop at the start of the residential housing on Borstal Road and Priestfields Hill seems to act as an incentive to speed up.

Simple measures can be very effective.  A few well placed speed bumps, a zebra crossing and some high visibility traffic mirrors would make a major difference to the safety of our roads.  As a driver, I know traffic calming is a minor inconvenience but it is a small price to pay for improving our local environment, especially for children and the elderly. I would like to lead the fight for safer roads in our part of Medway!
Please support me and sign the petition. There will be copies at strategic points around Rochester West and I will update you as we go along. Alternatively email me and I will send blank copies of the petition as an attachment if you are prepared to collect a page of signatures. It will all help!

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