The information below, 'Watt's Up?' is written by Derek Munton who has campaigned against the restrictions to access for residents of Rochester. He explains the history of Watts Meadow with recent developments up to the planning notice being spotted.
Up until last summer it was possible to walk from Borstal, past The Canopus onto Priestfields Recreation Field down to Priestfields. At this point just across the road there was what had been the old Rochester council nursery through which the path went straight through to Watt’s Meadow and out by Ethelbert Road then down Maidstone Road to The Vines. You did not have to walk the whole path. Many people simply used Priestfield as access to Watt’s Meadow Open Space.
The Open Spaces Society have been working for years to get Medway Council to put the footpath from Priestfieds to Ethelbert Rd on the “Definitive Map”.This route has been walked and enjoyed continuously by people from Rochester and Borstal since at least the 1940’s. It has been walked without permission, pay or hindrance.
Not any more.
Not since Medway council allowed the great wall of Bellway builders to be put up and closed access to Watt’s Meadow from Priestfields. The fence was put up without consultation or warning, so it’s not surprising people objected and 450 residents signed a petition of protest. An unsuitable footpath diversion was put in by Medway council consisting of a set of steep grey concrete steps and galvanised handrail at the end of Southfields. The fence was supposed to be temporary, as a safety device, but it is still there 6 months later. They said It would be sorted out when the path was confirmed as a Registered Public Footpath.
But the diversion has become the Definitive Footpath with an “understanding” that the road through the new housing would still be access to Watt’s Meadow and its footpath. Not quite the same thing.
That’s 450 unhappy residents
But Watt’s happening now …..?
Bellway the builders started to put in footings for a wall along the site entrance from Priestfields, until they were told to stop. Bellway need planning permission from Medway Council.
A Public Notice has been fixed to the lamppost across the road (not next to the development) to build a wall 2 meters (6ft 6ins) fitted with access gates.
What’s happened to footpath access?
The development will have entry controlled by gates
It will be inappropriate and out of keeping with the area.
Medway council must not give this scheme planning it has to be opposed immediately because the closing date for objections is:
December 10 2010
Officer dealing with case : Simon Fowler
Medway council
Dock Road
Phone 01634 33 10 18
Application number MC/10/3871
For more: Derek Munton Sarah Hehir
Ring 409486 831452